Call for 2019 Officers

Join Our Leadership Team

The ASCE Mobile Branch is seeking members who want to get more involved in our professional organization.  Are you a member that is looking for personal and professional development, or do you know someone else that is?   If so, you are invited to come join our leadership team now.  For the 2018-2019 year, we will be electing a new Secretary to the Branch and we are hoping to elect all new officers for our newly formed Younger Members Group.  There are no education or experience requirements to serve as an officer in the Branch, but you must be a dues paying member of the National ASCE.

As an officer, you will help plan local events and meetings, provide input about our organization and the area organizations we support, and help shape the future of our organization.  You will also have the opportunity to represent the ASCE Mobile Branch at ASCE leadership and other conferences that are attended by other organizations all over the US.

Terms for officers begin October 1 and continue for one year.  As tradition holds, once a member gets elected to office as a Secretary, he/she has the opportunity to elevate to the next position each year, all the way to President.

This year is especially exciting as we continue working towards the formation of a Younger Members Group (YMG) within the branch.  Younger members are defined as civil engineers 35 years of age and younger and the YMG will be a group within the ASCE Mobile Branch to help our Younger Members make friends in the profession, grow their careers, and develop as leaders in their communities.  Visit our Younger Members Group page now to learn more!

To nominate yourself or someone you know to be an officer in our organization, please express interest by contacting our Nominating Committee at

Our bylaws define the role of the Branch Secretary as follows:  "The Secretary of the Branch shall be responsible for the notification and organization of all Branch meetings and special events; shall be responsible for the creation and distribution of the Branch newsletter; shall record the proceedings of all Branch and Executive Committee Meetings; and shall prepare an annual report to the Alabama Section."

To review all of the duties of all officers and the rules governing the Branch, please read our Branch By-Laws by clicking the link below.

Mobile Branch-bylaws_2018_Approved